Brief Description
The FCRC Certificate Course in Basic Computer Literacy is a part-time program that introduces participants to computers. It extends over 10 weeks with a two-hour session, twice per week. The focus is on training the participants on the popular Microsoft Office Suite, because it is the office automation application of choice in most organisations worldwide. The program is therefore relevant in the workplace. It is an instructor-led program that is delivered using a hands-on practical approach. Every participant uses a computer individually and the training is individualized for each participant by motivating him/her to focus on how computing can have a positive and significant impact on the way he/she carries out his/her particular work.
This course is a broad introduction to the use of computers as tools for creativity, communications and organizing information. We do not assume that the participants have any previous computer experience, but even those participants who already are advanced computer users, will find activities to challenge them. In addition to learning the technical fundamentals of computer use, we hope to help them build their skills in researching information,making appropriate ethical choices about the use of computers, and using technology to help them learn on their our own and pass their new skills on to others.
We also emphasize the use of the Internet as a tool for finding information and communicating with their peers, and word processing, presentation software, photography, image editing and video production to organize and communicate their ideas.
Most of the final marks will depend on how well participants work together and interact with the teachers and other students in this course. Those who already have some computer skills at the beginning of the course are expected to help the teachers by passing on their knowledge to the other participants. We want every participant to work on developing the ability to teach each other and cooperate in the kind of group/team environment that is necessary in all real-world technology projects.
Laboratory Facilities
We have a fully fitted and very neat computer laboratory available for participants to use. This lab is situated at Camp Joy, number 2 Camp Drive, Strandfontein, Cape Town.

It contains 10 Microsoft Windows compatible personal computers. The lab is scheduled for classes during the week and is earmarked to accommodate the Strandfontein Community, the school learners from the “DIE TAK” up the road and also our participants in the restoration and behaviour change programs. We also plan to make the lab available on weekends for participants to use. This will be called the “Open Lab” and participants needs to apply by booking their sessions in advance. Rules for the use of the lab will be communicated to participants at the start of the course.
There is no required textbooks for this course. The participant will be requested to bring an A4 hardcover book for notes, a pen, and at least an 8GB memory stick for their course material.
Learning Outcomes :
Upon completion of the programme, participants will have basic, but fundamental, office computer automation skills.
Course Content :
The program covers the following topics:
1. Basic concepts of computing
2. Microsoft Office Word 2016
3. Microsoft Office Excel 2016
4. Microsoft Office Outlook 2016
5. Microsoft Office PowerPoint 2016
4. Microsoft Windows Ver.10
Entry Requirements :
At least grade 10 level, with the ability to read and write. A willingness to learn.
Assessment Type :
Who Should Attend :
First priority is given to people from the Strandfontein community. Notwithstanding, other communities are welcome to attend.
The Camp Joy Computer Lab is therefore setup and geared to support
• our School Learners from the informal settlement up the road called “Die Tak”,
• the Camp Joy Participants, and
• the Strandfontein Community.
“Die Tak”
I had meetings with community workers from “Die Tak” who informed me that there are 6 high school learners and about 12 primary school learners who might benefit from our initiatives.
Their group will be divided into two eg. Age group 09-12 and13-17.
I am thinking of allocating two days of the week to them:
• Mondays from 15:00 – 16:00 for the primary school learners and
• Wednesday from 17:00 – 19:00 for the secondary school learners.
Their parents will have to sign an indemnity and consent/permission form for them to attend the classes. I suggested to the community workers that their parents can pay a minimal fee of R50 per month.
The Camp Joy Computer lab were promoted to this community to give the children computer exposure and the opportunity to do their school assignments in a safe environment.
Raymond H Swartz
Camp Joy is really helping a lot of people.